Free Webinar

In just one hour, learn what you need in order to:

OVERCOME self-doubt, insecurity, and feeling stuck and

BUILD confidence, self-esteem, and a life of harmony and happiness

Register via the contact form provided below.

Those who commit to staying until the end of the webinar will receive a one-time only special discount on my coaching package on building self-esteem and living with confidence, harmony and happiness!


When: (Date to be inserted)
How long: 1 hour
Where: Online

Meet your Coach

Hi, I’m Cheryl Crowie. I was once a shy, introverted young woman lacking the confidence to act and speak with authenticity and conviction. This struggle filtered through all aspects of my life, making my relationships and career challenging to navigate. There was one factor that changed my life.

I learned what it meant to have a healthy self-esteem and live as an esteemed individual!

Since then, I’ve been promoted to VP as a Chartered Accountant at one of the big 4 banks in South Africa, built a business of purpose and passion from scratch, influenced my relationships to reduce conflict and introduce joy and harmony, and became the creator of a happy and fulfilled life. It lit a flame in my life that inspired, ignited and invigorated me.

I’m passionate about helping individuals like you build your self-esteem and find your own flame.

Cheryl Crowie

Register for your FREE webinar

When signing up you will receive a link to the webinar with a calendar reminder, as well as a FREE work-pack for the Webinar.
Register now to reserve your spot.
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